HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-01-30-Div 25-tccd-phase 2-v2.0 © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 0 TARRANT COUNTY COLLEGE DISTRICT Global Division 25 Construction Specifications © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved 1 DIVISION 25—INTEGRATED AUTOMATION CONTENTS Section 25 00 00 – Integrated Automation – General .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Section 25 00 01 – Integrated Automation – Administration ........................................................................................................................ 14 Section 25 08 00 – Integrated Automation – Commissioning ....................................................................................................................... 23 Section 25 10 00 – Integrated Automation – Platform .................................................................................................................................. 278 Section 25 90 00 – Integrated Automation – Applications .......................................................................................................................... 401 © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 2 SECTION 25 00 00 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION – GENERAL PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. Related Documents 2. Scope Of Work 3. Codes 4. Reference Standards – Projects External to the United States of America (Remove if not used) 5. Reference Standards – Projects Internal to the United States of America (Remove if not used) 6. Fees And Permits 7. Coordination of Work with Existing Conditions 8. Spare Parts 9. Definitions 10. Quality Assurance 11. System Description 12. Delivery, Storage, and Handling 13. Warranty 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Specifications throughout all Divisions of the project document set are directly applicable to this Section, and this Section is directly applicable to all Divisions. B. Client-specific standards: 1. Local project team to complete this section. a. Example: Contractor to follow XYZ Corporation (Owner) standard for user interface graphics, point naming, and tagging. C. General provisions of the contract: 1. Local project team to complete this section. a. Example: Contractor to follow XYZ Corporation (Owner) process for working on or with existing systems and in Owner-occupied/non-construction spaces. 1.03 SCOPE OF WORK A. Local project team to complete this section. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 3 1. Example: Contractor shall provide professional, technical, and administrative services for master systems integrations. Contractor shall furnish and install hardware and software systems as specified and as required to perform the integrations necessary to complete the expected outcomes (use cases). 1.04 CODES A. Comply with all current codes, ordinances, regulations, and Owner's insurance underwriters. In all cases of conflict between the work of this Division and the Local AHJ, Building Code, or omission of items required for code compliance shall be brought to the Owner's attention at the time of bid proposal submission. Any items of conflict or omission shall be identified, resolved, and included in the bid proposal price. B. All work shall comply with the applicable requirements of the following codes. The latest edition of the code is assumed unless stated otherwise by AHJ. C. Local project team to complete this section by confirming if there are any special requirements of the local jurisdiction that go above or beyond what is stated above in items A or B. If there is not any such requirement, delete this item. 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS – PROJECTS EXTERNAL TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A. Local project team shall complete this section as it relates to the regional/country requirements for reference standards. If standards external to the United States are not required, delete this section. 1. Example: Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) 2. Example: British Standards Institution (BSI) 1.06 REFERENCE STANDARDS – PROJECTS INTERNAL TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) C. International Society of Automation (ISA); ISA-62443 D. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) E. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1. Provide electrical components of Division 25 control systems that have been UL-listed and labeled and comply with NEMA standards. Provide control devices that are UL listed as signal appliances. F. NEMA Compliance: 1. Comply with NEMA standards pertaining to components and devices for Division 25 control systems. G. NFPA Compliance: 1. NFPA 90A “Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems” (Where applicable to control systems and control sequences). H. NFPA 72 “National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code” I. National Electric Code (NEC) J. National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) K. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); NIST 800-82R3 © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 4 L. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) M. Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) N. Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association of Canada (EEMAC) O. Any other applicable Federal, State, Provincial, and/or Local Codes P. Local project team to modify and complete this section. Add or remove references as needed. If standards internal to the United States are not required, delete this section. 1.07 FEES AND PERMITS A. Pay applicable fees and permits. B. Pay royalties and fees are required in connection with the use of patented devices and systems. 1.08 COORDINATION OF WORK WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Re-use existing control wire, conduit, and field control devices as indicated. Only modify existing where indicated unless Owner provides written consent. 1. Local project team to confirm if this methodology is acceptable or modify the language to reflect the Owner’s requirements. B. Test existing devices intended for re-use. 1. Provide test report to Owner within 30 days of award of contract. The test report will indicate if the existing device is functional or non-functional per device. The report will indicate the deficiencies found if devices are determined to be non-functional. 2. Within 40 days of the test report, the Owner will repair or replace devices determined to be non- functional if they are deemed necessary for the completion of the project. C. Provide new control wire, conduit, and field control devices as indicated. 1. Local project team to confirm if this methodology is acceptable or modify the language to reflect the Owner’s requirements. D. Written approval must be obtained prior to disconnecting any device from power or a network. E. Any devices removed shall follow the Owner approved path of disposition. F. Some systems and interface devices may be provided by other trades. Review the documentation to understand the requirements to install, wire, program, commission, and/or avoid interface to these systems. The Contractor is responsible for verifying that the submitted interfaces will integrate properly into the SBP. Report any discrepancies to the Owner. G. If work overlaps with work of another trade, coordinate with that trade or trades and the Owner to communicate any information necessary to ensure successful execution of all work. 1.09 SPARE PARTS A. Provide the following products as spare parts. Deliver to the Owner prior to project completion. 1. Local project team to complete this section as it relates to the project if needed. 1.10 DEFINITIONS © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 5 A. Adjustable (Adj): A characteristic of a control logic parameter such that it can be varied by the operator without downloading the program. B. Advanced Application Controller (AAC): A device with limited resources relative to the Building Controller (BC). It may support a level of programming and may also be intended for application -specific applications. C. Algorithm: A logical procedure for solving a recurring problem. D. Analog: A continuously varying signal value (temperature, current, velocity, etc.). E. Application Programming Tool: A vendor-unique software tool used to create applications for programmable controllers. This software tool may also be used for system programming, controller commissioning, and network management. F. Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU): A measurement of data specified in an application protocol G. Application-Specific Controller (ASC): A device that incorporates solid-state components and can perform multiple control loops or functions as part of a specific application. H. ASHRAE/ANSI: The open ASHRAE/ANSI communication protocol, Standard 135, allows open communication between building systems and devices. I. BACnet Interoperability Building Blocks (BIBB): A portion of BACnet functionality needed to perform a particular task. BIBBS are combined to build the BACnet functional requirements for a device in a Specification. J. BACnet Testing Laboratory (BTL): An organization dedicated to issuing guidelines to ensure that devices from different vendors meet a minimum level of functionality. K. Binary: A two-state system where a high signal level represents an "on" condition, and a low signal level represents an "off" condition. L. Bridge: A device that routes messages or isolates message traffic to a particular segment, sub-net, or domain of the same physical communication media. M. Change of Value (COV): An event that occurs when a measured or calculated analog value changes by a predefined amount. N. Client: A device that is the requestor of services from a server. A client device makes requests and receives responses from a server device. O. Commissioning: A process of ensuring that systems are installed, functionally tested, and capable of being operated and maintained to perform in conformity with the design intent. P. Control Wiring: Includes conduit, wire, and wiring devices to install complete control systems, including HVAC control, switchgear, uninterruptible power supplies, lighting, security, interlocks, thermostats, EP and IP switches, and like devices. Includes all wiring from Intelligent Devices and Controllers to all sensors and points defined in the input/output summary shown on the drawings or specified herein and required to execute the sequence of operation. Q. Direct Digital Control (DDC): Microprocessor-based control, including Analog/Digital conversion and program logic. R. Diagnostic Program: Machine-executable instructions used to detect and isolate system and component malfunctions. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 6 S. Field Controller Network (FCN): The network used to connect various controllers on a common and dedicated network. T. Gateway: A device containing two or more dissimilar networks/protocols, permitting information exchange between them. U. Graphical User Interface (GUI): A Human Machine Interface. Graphical User Interfacing allows the operator to manage, command, monitor, configure, and program the system. It shall function as the point of interface for all control and monitoring functions, as well as all data logs, trends, and alarming. V. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): The rules for exchanging data files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) over the Internet. W. Smart Building Platform (SBP): The complete facility control system comprised of mechanical system automation, security control, lighting control, automatic temperature control, etc. X. Informational Technology (IT) Local Area Network (LAN): The facility's IT network used for normal business-related e-mail and internet communication. Y. Local Area Network (LAN): A group of computers and/or associated devices which share a common communications line and typically share the resources for a single processor or server within a small geographic area. Z. MS/TP: Data link protocol as defined by the BACnet standard. AA. Network: A system of distributed control units and intelligent devices linked together on a communications bus. A network allows sharing of point information between all control units. Additionally, a network provides central monitoring and control of the system from any distributed control unit location. BB. Network Controller (NC): A device capable of hosting API and performing localized network management and access. Supervises groups of intelligent devices and Control Units to perform a global sequence of operations (e.g., fire and life safety control). Can be configured to reside on the LAN. Provides integration to Enterprise-level systems and other protocols. CC. Node: A Device connected to a communications network. DD. Operator Interface (OI): A device used by the operator to manage the BAS, including OWSs, POTs, and HHDs. EE. Operating System (OS): Software that controls the execution of computer programs and provides scheduling, debugging, input/output controls, accounting, compilation, storage assignment, data management, and related services. FF. Peripheral: Input/Output equipment used to communicate to and from the computer and make hard copies of system outputs and magnetic files. Peripherals include CRT, printers, hard drives, disk drives, modems, etc. GG. Point: Analog or discrete instrument with addressable database values. HH. Polling: The concept of a control device requesting a network variable from a second control device at a specified interval. Polling communication is typically used to populate dynamic data on an active graphic page and for temporary or short-term trending of data where the trend data is not stored at the controller level. II. Portable Operators Terminal (POT): Laptop PC used both for direct connection to a controller and for remote dial-up connection. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 7 JJ. Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS): A written document created by the Manufacturer of a device, which identifies the options specified by BACnet that are implemented in the device. KK. Router: A device that routes or forwards messages destined for a node on another subnet domain of the control network. The device controls message traffic based on node address and priority. Routers also serve as communication interfaces between power lines, twisted pairs, and RF media. LL. Secure Socket Layer (SSL): A commonly used protocol for managing the security of message transmission on the Internet. MM. Server: A device that is a provider of services to a client. A client device makes requests and receives responses from a server device. NN. Structured Query Language (SQL): A standard interactive and programming language for retrieving information from and updating a database via an organized series of queries. OO. Standalone Controller: A standalone controller has provisions for all physical inputs and outputs associated with a single mechanical component, such as a terminal unit, air handling unit, chiller, or boiler. The controller shall also have embedded in it all the control logic that associates the physical inputs with the physical outputs. A standalone controller may rely on other networked devices for time schedule inputs and trend data storage. PP. Supervising Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Node: An MMI incorporating a graphical object- oriented user interface software application that provides supervisory control and data acquisition from a high-level processing personnel computer. QQ. Supervisory Logic: The concept of gathering performance data from multiple terminal units to determine if a specific condition exists within the family of terminal devices. RR. Terminator: An electric component that consists of a resistive and capacitive circuit specifically designed to enhance the quality of communication on a segment. On a bus topology, a termination is connected at each end of a segment. SS. Trend Log: A trend log is a collection of samples from a specified variable stored within a device on the DDC Network. This data may be periodically sent up to or requested by a Network Controller or an Operator Workstation for the purpose of report generation. TT. Wide Area Network (WAN): Internet-based network connecting multiple facilities with a central data warehouse and server, accessible via a standard web browser. UU. Extensible Markup Language (XML): A specification developed by the World Wide Web Consortium. XML is a pared-down version of SGML, designed especially for Web documents. It allows designers to create their own customized tags, enabling the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data between applications and between organizations.1.10 1.11 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Within 30 days of receiving notice to proceed, submit resumes for the project manager, application engineer, and field supervisor assigned to the Project. The Own er and Engineer reserve the right to exclude proposed staff not having the experience deemed adequate for the Project. The proposed staff shall have the following minimum experience levels: 1. Project Manager: Have five (5) years of experience in project management with two (2) completed projects of similar size and type. 2. Application Engineer: © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 8 a. Have seven (7) years of experience in applications engineering, Manufacturer-certified for the system being provided, b. Understanding of NIST Cyber Security Best Practices c. Understanding of metadata tagging schemes, including Haystack and Brick Schema. 3. Field Supervisor: Have five (5) years of experience in field supervising and be Manufacturer-certified for the system being provided. B. Systems shall be tested using the Manufacturer's recommended hardware and software C. Materials and equipment selected shall be the latest cataloged products of the Manufacturers regularly engaged in the production, development, and installation of specified division 25 systems. 1.12 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The Integrated Automation System integrates individual application-specific systems within a structure, campus, or organization to enable Owner, operator, and occupant use and outcomes. The Integrated Automation System shall consist of an open and approved platform connected to each application-specific system to allow a secure connection to a local or cloud-based, single-user interface. This enables the operation of the systems, collection, and exchange of operational and historical data and alarms for use within the platform, upstream or cloud-based analytic and diagnostic applications, and each building application- specific systems to meet the use case. B. Local project team to modify and complete this section as needed for the specific project. 1.13 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Material Delivery Schedule: provide Owner with "Materials Delivery Schedule" within two (2) weeks after award of contract. B. Provide factory-shipping cartons for each piece of equipment and control device. Maintain cartons during shipping, storage, and handling as required to prevent equipment damage and eliminate dirt and moisture from equipment. Store equipment and materials inside and protect them from weather. C. Waste Management and Disposal 1. Separate waste materials for reuse and recycling. 2. Remove from site and dispose of packaging materials at appropriate recycling facilities. 3. Place materials defined as hazardous or toxic in designated containers. 4. Handle and dispose of hazardous materials in accordance with Regional and Municipal regulations. 1.14 WARRANTY A. Warranty Services: 1. A warranty for all software and hardware shall be held for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of final acceptance by the Owner of the overall project. Local project team to confirm or modify this statement. 2. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and transportation necessary to correct defective programs and applications, including any reprogramming, replacement, and/or change out as may be necessary. 3. All replacement parts will be new during the period of warranty. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 9 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Manufacturers 2. Materials And Equipment 3. Uniformity 2.02 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Smart Building Platform Manufacturers 1. KODE Labs 2. Buildings IOT 3. Siemens 4. Johnson Controls 5. Honeywell 6. Or approved equal B. Acceptable Access Control Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 28 C. Acceptable Alarm Monitoring Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 28 D. Acceptable Building Automation System Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 23 E. Acceptable Digital Signage Manufacturers 1. Appspace 2. MyIX 3. Touchsource 4. DynaTouch 5. Or approved equal F. Acceptable Energy Analytics Manufacturers 1. SkyFoundry 2. KGS Buildings 3. Tridium © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 10 4. CopperTree 5. Or approved equal G. Acceptable Fault Detection Diagnostics Manufacturers H. Acceptable Indoor Air Quality Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 23 I. Acceptable Integrated Workflow Management System Manufacturers 1. Accruent 2. Building Engines 3. IBM 4. Or approved equal J. Acceptable Location-Based Service Manufacturers 1. MazeMap 2. ServiceNow 3. ESRI 4. Steerpath 5. Or approved equal K. Acceptable Lighting Control Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 26 L. Acceptable Metering Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 26 M. Acceptable Occupancy Sensor Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 26 N. Acceptable Video Surveillance Manufacturers 1. Refer to Division 28 O. Acceptable People Counting Manufacturers 1. Irisys 2. Avuity 3. VergeSense 4. Cisco 5. Or approved equal P. Acceptable Space Scheduling Manufacturers © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 11 1. MazeMap 2. Avuity 3. Envoy 4. Steerpath 5. Or approved equal Q. Acceptable Space Utilization Manufacturers 1. Irisys 2. Avuity 3. VergeSense 4. MazeMap 5. Or approved equal R. Acceptable Wayfinding Kiosk Manufacturers 1. Touchsource 2. DynaTouch 3. Olea Kiosks 4. Or approved equal S. Acceptable Wayfinding Sensor Manufacturers 1. ESRI 2. Inpixon 3. Steerpath 4. Cisco 5. Or approved equal 2.02 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Use the newest generation and current products to the best of their respective kinds without imperfections or blemishes. The product shall not be damaged in any way. Used equipment shall not be used in any way for the permanent installation except where Drawings or Specifications specifically allow existing materials to remain in place. Using this project as a testing site for a new product requires written approval from the Owner. 2.03 UNIFORMITY A. To the extent practical, all equipment of the same type serving the same function shall be identical and from the same Manufacturer PART 3 - EXECUTION © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 12 3.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Preparation 2. Installation 3. Integration 4. Surge Protection 5. Control Power Supply and Power Source 6. Site Clean Up 3.02 PREPARATION A. Examine areas and conditions under which control systems are to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Use licensed electricians for all new and retrofitted electrical distribution systems. Installations of high - and low-voltage systems shall be in accordance with all building code requirements. Obtain electrical permits, if required by local authorities. B. Provide related items and work indicated on the drawings and work called for in this Division of the Specifications. This includes all incidentals, equipment, appliances, services, hoisting, scaffolding, supports, tools, supervision, labor, consumable items, fees, licenses, etc., necessary to provide complete systems. C. Comply with all applicable codes and ordinances. If any conflict arises between these Specifications, drawings, codes, and/or ordinances, immediately notify the Owner. D. All installations shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer's published recommendations. E. Modifications to existing emergency power systems must closely coordinate with and be approved by the project electrical engineer and facility staff. F. Identify Junction or Pull boxes clearly to indicate the contents of the raceway system. 3.04 INTEGRATION A. Contractor shall execute work using open (non-proprietary) communications protocols to facilitate communication between the systems and the Integrated Automation platform. B. Contractor shall follow Owner’s established data ontology, point naming and unit convention, or other standards as approved by the Owner to facilitate data normalization efforts. C. Contractor shall [provide new network infrastructure OR coordinate with the Owner to use their existing network OR coordinate with the General Contractor to use the new network installation] to facilitate connections to all application-specific systems, gateways, and interfaces necessary to complete the expected outcomes of the use cases. D. Contractor shall provide managed and secure access to the platform and all connections outside the local network as approved by the Owner. E. Local project team to complete this section. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 00 13 3.05 SURGE PROTECTION A. Contractor shall furnish and install any power supply surge protection, filters, etc., as necessary for proper operation and protection of all controllers, operator interfaces, printers, routers, and other hardware and interface devices. All equipment shall be capable of handling voltage variations 10 percent above or below the measured nominal value, with no effect on hardware, software, communications, and data storage. 3.06 CONTROL POWER SOURCE AND POWER SUPPLY A. Division 26 shall extend all power source wiring required to operate all equipment and devices provided under Division 25. The Division 26 Contractor shall provide power to all control panels and devices on the contract drawings that require 120V or higher. The Division 25 Contractor shall extend power from their control panel to all field devices which require 120V power and are not shown on the contract drawings. 1. Local project team to confirm this section. B. Division 25 shall provide all low-voltage power supplies. Division 26 shall provide, extend, and connect all 120V or higher primary connections. Division 25 shall provide, extend, and connect all low-voltage branches to the Division 25 devices as necessary. 1. Local project team to confirm this section. 3.07 SITE CLEAN UP A. At the conclusion of each day's work, clean up and remove from the site all debris and trash accumulated during the day as a result of the Contractor's work. Sidewalks and streets adjoining the property shall be kept broom clean and free of debris, trash, and obstructions of any kind caused by work of this Contract. B. Upon completion of the work and at times during progress of the work when requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall remove all surplus materials and debris resulting from the operation and shall leave the entire building and involved portions of the site, insofar as the work of the Contract is concerned, in neat, clean, and acceptable condition as approved by Owner. C. Marks on walls or ceiling tiles caused by the Contractor shall be cleaned by the Contractor. Ceiling tiles, drywall, carpet, paint, and all architectural finishes damaged by the Contractor shall be replaced by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 25 00 00 © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 14 SECTION 25 00 01 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION – ADMINISTRATION PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Submittals – Pre-Construction 2. Submittals – Pre-Commissioning 3. Training 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Specifications throughout all Divisions of the project document set are directly applicable to this Section, and this Section is directly applicable to all Divisions 1.03 SUBMITTALS - PRE-CONSTRUCTION A. Submit in accordance with Division 1. Local project team to validate. B. Submittals are required for all equipment prior to ordering or fabrication of any system or subsystem. No deviations from the submittals, as originally approved, shall be permitted. Any materials purchased prior to approval shall be at the sole risk of the Contractor. C. All documentation shall include a table of contents that is well organized, indexed, and tabbed with reference to the specific section (also sub-section, if applicable) of the specification. If catalog cut sheets or published materials include information that is not applicable to the item furnished, the Contractor shall clearly indicate what information is applicable and clearly notate accordingly. Indicate all options and/or accessories to be specified with the device when ordered. Indicate complete part numbers to be ordered with all options called out specifically. D. Submit the name, address, and telephone number of the local service representative. A guarantee is required that the Contractor will provide a maximum of a 24-hour window for onsite response to trouble calls, applicable 24 hours a day, during the warranty period. E. Identification and Labeling: For all category cabling, refer to Division 27 for requirements. For all other signal wiring: submit a sample of point, hardware, system, terminal, and wire labeling convention that are in accordance with the Owner's standards. The approved format is to be the only format used on all submittals and field labeling. ANSI/TIA-606-B or equivalent labeling standard is required. F. Unified Platform: Manufacturer's description and technical data such as specifications, cut sheets, installation instructions, and operation/maintenance manuals for items listed below as well as for relevant items that are not listed below but are pertinent to the system: 1. Database Requirements (physical or virtual machines, Cloud services) 2. Server Requirements (physical or virtual machine services or Cloud services) 3. Network Integration Appliance Requirements 4. Control Panels © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 15 5. Power Supplies 6. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) 7. Operator Interface Equipment 8. Wiring (Power and Communications) 9. Wiring diagrams and layouts for each respective control panel. Show all termination numbers and detail pinouts when the termination is non-standard. 10. Floor plan schematic diagrams indicating all Platform and subsystem equipment locations. 11. Riser diagrams showing control network layout, communication protocol, and wire types. 12. A complete bill of materials indicating quantity, Manufacturer, model number, and relevant technical data of equipment to be used. G. Local Platform: Manufacturer's description and technical data such as specifications, cut sheets, installation instructions, and operation/maintenance manuals for items listed below as well as for relevant items that are not listed below but are pertinent to the system: 1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) 2. Power supplies 3. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) 4. Interface equipment between CPU or server and control panels 5. Operating System software 6. Operator interface software 7. Graphics software 8. Third-party software 9. Human-machine interface (HMI) 10. Schematic diagrams of control, communication, and power wiring for central system installation. 11. Network riser diagrams depicting the wiring between central control unit gateways and control panels to the network. 12. A complete bill of materials indicating quantity, Manufacturer, model number, and relevant technical data of equipment to be used. H. Controlled Systems – Local project team to validate with Division 23. 1. Riser diagrams showing control network layout, communication protocol(s), and wire types. 2. Schematic diagram detail of each controlled system. Label control points with their respective point names. Graphically show locations of control elements within the architectural floorplan or reflected ceiling plan drawing. Where a control element is also shown on a control system schematic, the same name should be used. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 16 3. A complete bill of materials for each controlled system. List each control system element in a table and provide the element name, type of device, Manufacturer, model number, and product data sheet number. 4. Complete narrative description of control system operation, including sequences of operation. Include and reference the schematic diagram of the controlled system. List all hardware and software I/O points that are required to operate the systems, as well as indicate which points are alarmed and/or trended points. 5. Elevations and other applicable details as required to effectively depict the system. I. Description and approval of the testing process(es), any checklists, and report formats to be used for functional testing, validation, and certification during the commissioning phase. J. Coordinate with Division sections and Contractors to obtain, document, and submit a list of all devices and systems, including a list of "sub-points" available from each device and system. Describe what specific "sub- point" parameters are available, if they are available for viewing only, and if they are capable of being modified from a user interface. Indicate which "sub-points" are being integrated as part of the document requirements and what their functions are. Detail the "sub-points," if any, that cannot be integrated and explain. The Owner shall select which additional "sub-points" are to be integrated, if any, and what their functions shall be. K. The Contractor shall provide drafts of integration checklists for both the Owner and the engineer as a review for subsystems. This document, at a minimum, should identify the following: 1. Type of device to be integrated 2. Selected protocol for system or subsystem 3. System/subsystem location 4. Addresses (both IP and MAC) and Unique Identifier 5. Equipment information, including make/model/revision/serial number 6. System architecture: provide a drawing of the proposed system architecture showing configuration and locations for the Platform Server(s), BCS controllers, terminal unit controllers, system servers, IoT devices, gateways, control wiring for each device, and any hardware/wiring/terminations for connections. Indicate the spare capacity and network address for each device. Include Owner approved networking hardware such as switches, converters, routers, broadcast management devices, applicable cabling, and applicable terminations. Also, provide IP addresses and VLAN segments (where applicable). Provide diagrams of the proposed control power infrastructure to include: the designation of the electrical panelboards that will be utilized to provide control power, the quantity/configuration/size/location of control system transformers, and the wiring to distributed control devices that require power. L. Provide floor plans showing equipment locations that have been coordinated with the work of other trades for areas within the project's scope. M. Shop Drawings: Submit all drawings required for the construction, commissioning, maintenance, and future expansion of the system in addition to the Subcontractor drawings. The title block shall bear the names and signatures of the employees who drew, reviewed, and approved them, as well as incorporate some form of revision tracking for record. This shall also include the Contractor's company information and pertinent project contacts, including but not limited to: Engineering, Project Management, Field Operations, and Technical Support/Service. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 17 1. The Contractor shall coordinate with all subsystem Contractors to obtain or recreate as-builts drawings to be included in final Platform O&M manual. N. The Contractor shall adequately check each Subcontractor's Shop Drawings for accuracy and completeness. O. All drawings prepared by the Contractor and Subcontractor(s) shall be developed using the latest version of AutoCAD™, Revit™, or Visio™. All drawings shall be sized and oriented according to TCC Technical Design Guidance. P. The title sheet shall include the project name, list of drawing titles, list of abbreviations, symbol legend, and revision summary. All abbreviations and symbols used on the drawings shall be included in the list of abbreviations and symbol legends, respectively. This shall also include the Subcontractor company information and pertinent project contacts, including but not limited to: Engineering, Project Management, Field Operations, and Technical Support/Service. Q. The legend and notes sheet(s) shall include a list of abbreviations, a symbol legend, and any applicable notes/disclaimers. All abbreviations and symbols used on the drawings shall be included in the list of abbreviations and symbol legends, respectively. R. The schematics will include the system and component layout of any equipment that the control system monitors, enables, or controls, even if the equipment is primarily controlled by packaged or integral controls. S. The Point List shall be in matrix format and shall indicate each monitored or controlled point, device, and control software. The Point List shall indicate the form of input or output: Digital In, Digital Out, Analog In, or Analog Out. Also, an explanation of the characteristics of each of the inputs and outputs (contact only, pulse, 4-20 mA, third-party software, etc.) should be defined. For devices and systems: each input or output point shall have a detailed description of what "sub-point" parameters are available, if they are available for viewing only, and if they are capable of being modified from a user interface. The Point List shall further identify document-required and Owner-selected "sub-points" that are integrated into the Platform and what their functions are. The point list must identify the following: 1. Point abbreviation/naming convention (shall follow Owner point naming standards). 2. Point input/output form (DI, DO, AI, or AO). All setpoints, calculated points, and "virtual points" will be listed. 3. Wire terminations in and out of all controllers and control devices shall be labeled according to the number, I/O name, and location on that device and the corresponding connected field device in accordance with the Owner's naming convention. 4. System the point is associated with. 5. Point description (include "monitoring only") if this point is only a monitoring point and doesn't control anything; and/or if it is a "setpoint" and/or calculated point). 6. Display unit 7. Panel address. 8. Panel ID. 9. Physical panel location. 10. Reference drawing number from blueprints. 11. Intermediate device information. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 18 12. Field device (temperature sensor, contact, static tip, etc.). 13. Comments column. 14. The Controls Subcontractor shall keep the Commissioning Agent informed of all changes to this list during programming and setup. 15. Point trending capabilities and requirements. T. Elementary wiring diagrams shall show all input/output point wiring and communications wiring pathways required for installation. Show all internal and interconnecting wiring points of termination with all connectors and terminals identified. The physical address for each analog and binary input and output object shall be the same as the order listing developed and displayed in each application-specific controller. U. Room Schedule: a listing of all rooms, bays, shops, warehouse space, and manufacturing space shall be provided with at least the following information for each room: floor, room number, facility name or number, room type, common room name, and associated OT systems in use. V. Network architecture drawings, showing all controllers, network interface devices, port requirements, and other pertinent devices shown in a riser format. Protocol shall also be included. W. Provide a set of building floor plans showing the location of all points, controllers, and electrical panels used for power sources. The Mechanical CAD/Revit drawings should be used for this reference set. All points should then be represented with a symbol at the point location coupled with the point name and descriptor next to the symbol. X. Customized Graphics Samples: sample equipment graphics should include but not be limited to sample floor plans, AHUs, chilled water and heated water systems (where applicable), zone terminal units, exhaust fans, DOAS units, metering dashboards, and generators. Y. Product Data: Submit technical product specification sheets for each system component and device, which includes all data needed to prove compliance with this specification. Clearly indicate the exact model of each component to be provided, along with the associated accessories or options required. Z. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Submit for all components being provided under this section. AA. Schedules: schedule of work provided within one (1) month of contract award, indicating: 1. Submittal schedule and approval timeline requirements. 2. Intended sequence of work items. 3. Start date of each work item. 4. Duration of each work item. 5. Planned delivery dates for ordered material and equipment and expected lead times. 6. Milestones indicating possible constraints to work by other trades or situations. 7. Weekly written status reports shall be provided, indicating work completed and any revisions to expected delivery dates. Include updated schedule of work with each status report. 1.04 SUBMITTALS - PRE-COMMISSIONING © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 19 A. Operator's and programmer's manuals: Submit for all operating, user, and application software provided, including all Platform and third-party software furnished. B. Project-Specific Submittals: Submit a representative sample, for each of the following, prior to final development of each for the entire project. Once the Owner's approval has been obtained for the representative samples, complete submittals for the entire project are to be provided. 1. System Object Groups: Include printed copies of all System Object Groups developed for this project. 2. Input/output Object Testing: Include copies of all Testing Documentation Forms required to be completed for this project. At a minimum, the following must be included (as applicable): hardware address, object name, device type, transmitter type, signal range, signal formula, and readout formula. 3. Software Documentation: Submit input/output point name definitions, data object name a. definitions, a complete listing of control routine file names, a printed copy of each control routine, a narrative description of each control routine's function in English, and a printed copy of each system grouping and graphic display for this project. 4. Sequence of Operation Testing: Submit a copy of the Sequence of Operation annotated with the Subcontractor's testing methods. Proposed methods will be performed to prove compliance with the specification. C. Project Record Documents: Submit (as-built) documents upon completion of installation for approval prior to final completion. Submittal shall consist of the following: 1. Project Record Drawings: As-built versions of submittal shop drawings will be provided as editable AutoCAD Revit or Visio compatible files, six (6) prints of each drawing on Size D paper. All record drawings will be placed on Owner's approved background. D. Testing and Commissioning Reports and Checklists: Completed versions of all reports, checklists, and trend logs. E. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual: Three (3) printed and one (1) electronic copy of the following: 1. Completed as-built versions of submittal product data. 2. Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of installing Contractors and service representatives for the respective equipment and control systems. 3. Operator's manual with procedures for all operating control systems: logging on and off, handling alarms, producing point reports, trending data, overriding computer control, and changing setpoints and variables. 4. Programming manual or set of manuals with description of programming language and syntax, statements for algorithms and calculations used, point database creation and modification, program creation and modification, and editor use. 5. Engineering, installation, and maintenance manual or set of manuals that explain how to design and install new points, panels, and other hardware; how to perform preventive maintenance and calibration; how to debug hardware problems; and how to repair or replace hardware. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 20 6. Documentation of programs created using custom programming language, including setpoints, tuning parameters, and object database. Electronic copies of programs shall meet this requirement if control logic, setpoints, tuning parameters, and objects can be viewed using furnished programming tools. 7. Digital copies of Graphic files, programs, and databases. 8. List of recommended spare parts with part numbers and suppliers. 9. Complete original-issue documentation, installation, and maintenance information for furnished third-party hardware, including computer equipment and sensors. 10. Complete licensed, original-issue copies of furnished software, including operating systems, custom programming language, operator workstation or web server software, and graphics software. 11. Licenses, guarantees, and warranty documents for equipment and systems. 12. Recommended preventive maintenance procedures for system components, including schedule of tasks such as inspection, cleaning, and calibration; time between tasks; and task descriptions. 13. Full as-built digital set (PDF format) of system drawings, details, and sequence of operations in size D or larger. PDFs shall be clear, legible, and clean of any revision clouds, red lines, and handwritten notes or markups. This shall include all drawing references to systems and subsystems from individual low-voltage, controls, electrical, and lighting Contractors and Subcontractors. 14. Marking of all systems sensors and thermostats on the as-built floor plan and mechanical drawings with their control system designation. 15. Full printout of all schedules and setpoints after testing and acceptance of the system. 16. Control equipment component submittals, parts lists, etc. 17. Warranty requirements must be defined for each project component, including software, hardware, and licenses, with defined timelines for warranty start date and duration. 18. Copies of all check tests and calibrations performed by the Subcontractor (not commissioning tests). 19. Copies of all training documents, curriculum, presentations, and video training sessions. A log of all Owner employees, Contractors, and any others in attendance for training sessions. F. Documentation of Changes During Warranty Period: 1. During the warranty period, all copies of drawing packages and manuals shall be updated to include all hardware and software changes required to resolve issues that are covered by the warranty. 2. Training Materials: Provide course outline and materials for each class at least three (3) weeks before the first scheduled class. Training shall be in the form of instructor-led sessions, computer-based training, and/or web-based training. Engineer will modify course outlines and materials to meet Owner's needs, if necessary. The Engineer will review and approve course schedules, outlines, and materials at least three (3) weeks before the first scheduled class. G. Coordination Workshops: Coordination workshops shall include, at a minimum, the following three (3) session types listed below. The Contractor shall provision for as many workshops as are deemed reasonably necessary by the Owner to address all facets of Platform component configuration. 1. Network configuration workshop. The Contractor shall conduct a network configuration workshop with the Owner's IT group to establish the network parameters for the project. The ongoing network © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 21 requirements and documentation shall be established during the workshop and presented as a submittal for approval following the meetings. 2. Graphics workshop: The Contractor shall conduct a graphics workshop with the Owner's Operations group, design team, and commissioning agent to establish the graphics package for the project. The final graphics workshop shall be a live graphics review meeting. 3. Analytics and alarming workshop: The Contractor shall conduct an analytics and alarming workshop with the Owner's Operations group, design team, and commissioning agent to establish the requirements for analytics and alarms for the project. The alarm standard shall include a holistic review of alarming standards to help facilitate a new paradigm for operations for alarms, faults, and operational efficiencies, moving to a proactive maintenance model. 1.05 TRAINING A. General Requirements 1. The training requirements listed here are in addition to the general training requirements listed within Division 01. For conflicts between these requirements and those within Division 01, the requirement that is more stringent or rigorous shall be followed. 2. Provide, at a minimum, three (3) half-day training sessions for the operations staff and others as invited by the Owner. The training shall focus on (1) the use cases, (2) the hardware systems and integration, and (3) the use of the smart building platform. 3. Training for on-site hardware and communications systems shall, ideally, be done in person and facilitated by the Contractor. 4. Training for the use case, integration review, and smart building platform may be done in person or online and, in either case, facilitated by the Contractor. 5. The person or persons performing the training shall have direct experience with the project or the product and lead or be supported by individuals that completed the work in place. 6. The Owner shall have the right, with permission and advance notice to the trainer, to record the training for future use in onboarding and retraining operations staff. 7. Provide an attendance sheet along with the meeting agenda for each training session. The sign-in sheet should be signed and dated by each participant. 8. Contractor is to provide training agendas for review and comment at least ten (10) business days prior to the training. 9. Owner to provide comments back to Contractor at least five (5) business days prior to the training. B. Training topics shall include and are not limited to: 1. Use cases (review and execution to achieve the expected outcome) 2. Hardware (controllers, control panels, systems) 3. Communications (equipment and cabling) 4. Integrated Systems (review what and how systems are connected) 5. Software (systems, access, user interfaces, and operations) 6. Documentation (review drawings of network architecture and submitted O&M manuals) © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 00 01 22 7. Support (who to contact, how and when it is available) PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 25 00 01 © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 08 00 23 SECTION 25 08 00 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION SYSTEMS – COMMISSIONING PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Roles and Responsibilities 2. General Requirements 3. Commissioning Inclusions 4. Systems 5. Completion of Commissioning 6. Issuance of Certificate of Completion 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Specifications throughout all Divisions of the project document set are directly applicable to this Section, and this Section is directly applicable to all Divisions 1.03 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Refer to Division 1 for roles and responsibilities and other general commissioning requirements. Local project team to validate. 1.04 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Commissioning shall be coordinated in a way that all integrated automation equipment and systems have been completely and properly installed, function together correctly to meet the design intent, and document system performance. Commissioning shall coordinate system documentation, equipment start-up, control system calibration, testing and balancing, and performance testing. B. The commissioning authority is responsible for coordinating and directing each step of the commissioning process. C. Documentation required as part of the commissioning process shall be as specified in Division 1. Local project team to validate. D. Testing shall be performed on all installed equipment and systems to ensure that operation and performance conform to contract documents. The following testing is required as part of the commissioning process: 1. Pre-functional/startup tests to determine that all components, equipment, systems, and interfaces between systems operate in accordance with contract documents. Pre-functional tests are completed by the Contractors and documented using pre-functional/startup checklists. Local project team to validate and Local Commissioning Authority to provide checklist. 2. Functional performance tests shall validate each system is operating in accordance with the design intent. This includes all operating modes, interlocks, control responses, and specific responses to abnormal or emergency conditions. Functional testing shall be performed by the Contractor and then tested again during the witnessed testing. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 08 00 24 E. Contractor is to provide all test reports to the Commissioning Authority for review and inclusion in the final commissioning report. F. System operation shall not be considered accepted until all test items have been successfully checked off and accepted in writing. Beneficial use of part or all of the system shall not be considered as acceptance of the system. G. Commissioning Authority shall inform and obtain approval from the Owner in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to commissioning or each test. Indicate: Local project team to validate. 1. Location and part of system to be tested or commissioned. 2. Testing/commissioning procedures, anticipated results. 3. Names of testing/commissioning personnel. H. In the event a test fails, the Contractor shall correct deficiencies and go through witness testing until satisfactory performance is obtained. I. Acceptance of tests does not relieve Contractor from responsibility for ensuring that complete systems meet every requirement of the contract. 1.05 COMMISSIONING INCLUSIONS A. Commissioning work of Division 25 shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Testing and start-up of the integrated automation system and/or smart building platform. 2. Completion of pre-functional/startup checklists. 3. Cooperation with testing Contractor. 4. Cooperation with the Commissioning Authority. 5. Providing qualified personnel for participation in commissioning tests, including seasonal testing required. 6. Completion of Contractor directed functional testing and associated forms. 7. Completion of Commissioning Authority witnessed functional testing. 8. Completion of Commissioning Authority witnessed integrated systems testing. 9. Providing equipment, materials, and labor as necessary to correct construction and/or equipment deficiencies found during the commissioning process. 10. Providing operation and maintenance manuals and as-built drawings to the Commissioning Authority for review. 1.06 SYSTEMS A. The work included in the commissioning process involves a complete and thorough evaluation of the operation and performance of all components, systems, and sub-systems. The following integrated equipment and systems shall be included: Local project team to validate. 1. Smart Building Platform 2. Access Control © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 08 00 25 3. Alarm Monitoring 4. Building Automation System 5. Digital Signage 6. Energy Analytics 7. Fault Detection Diagnostics 8. Indoor Air Quality 9. Integrated Workflow Management System 10. Lighting Control 11. Location Based Services 12. Metering 13. Occupancy Sensor 14. Video Surveillance 15. People Counting 16. Space Scheduling 17. Space Utilization 18. Wayfinding Kiosk 19. Wayfinding Sensor 1.07 COMPLETION OF COMMISSIONING A. Commissioning is to be considered completed when objectives of commissioning have been achieved, reviewed, and accepted by the Commissioning Authority and Owner. 1.08 ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION A. Certificate of completion to be issued after approval by Owner. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes: 1. Equipment 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Contractor shall provide sufficient instrumentation to verify and commission the installed system. B. Instrumentation accuracy tolerances shall be a higher order of magnitude than equipment or system being tested. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 08 00 26 C. Independent testing laboratory to certify test equipment as accurate to within approved tolerances no more than two (2) months prior to tests. D. Refer to Division 1 for additional equipment specifications. Local project team to validate. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. General 2. Participation in Commissioning 3. Deficiency Resolution 4. Seasonal Commissioning 3.02 GENERAL A. A meeting prior to commissioning that includes all commissioning team members shall be held at a time and place designated by the Owner. The purpose shall be to familiarize all parties with the commissioning process and to ensure that the responsibilities of each party are clearly understood. B. The Contractor shall complete all phases of work so the systems can be started, tested, calibrated, and commissioning procedures are undertaken. This includes the complete installation of all equipment, materials, wire, controls, etc., per the contract documents and related directives, clarifications, and change orders. C. A commissioning plan shall be developed by the Commissioning Authority. The Contractor shall assist the Commissioning Authority in preparing the commissioning plan by providing all necessary information pertaining to the actual equipment and installation. D. Acceptance procedures are normally intended to begin prior to completion of a system and/or sub -systems and shall be coordinated with the Contractor and Subcontractor(s). Start of acceptance procedures before system completion does not relieve the Contractor/Subcontractor(s) from completing those systems as per the schedule. 3.03 PARTICIPATION IN COMMISSIONING A. The Contractor shall provide skilled personnel to start up and debug all systems within Division 25. The same personnel shall be made available to assist the Commissioning Authority in completing the commissioning program. Work schedules, time required for testing, etc., shall be requested by the CA and coordinated by the Contractor. Contractor shall ensure that the qualified personnel is available and present during the agreed- upon schedules and of sufficient duration to complete the necessary tests, adjustment s, and/or problem resolutions. B. System performance problems and discrepancies may require additional personnel time, Commissioning Authority time, reconstruction of systems, and/or replacement of system components. The additional Contractor personnel time shall be made available for subsequent commissioning periods until the required system performance is obtained at no additional cost to the Owner. C. The Commissioning Authority reserves the right to question the appropriateness and qualifications of the personnel relative to each item of equipment, system, and/or sub-system. Qualifications of personnel shall © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 08 00 27 include expert knowledge relative to the specific equipment involved and a willingness to work with the Commissioning Authority. Contractor shall provide adequate documentation and tools to start up and test the equipment, system, and/or sub-system. 3.04 DEFICIENCY RESOLUTION A. In some systems, maladjustments, misapplied equipment, and/or deficient performance under varying loads will result in additional work being required to commission the systems. This work shall be completed under the direction of the Owner, with input from the Contractor, equipment supplier, and Commissioning Authority. Whereas all members shall have input and the opportunity to discuss, debate, and work out problems, the Owner shall have final jurisdiction over any additional work done to achieve performance. B. Corrective work shall be completed in a timely fashion to permit the completion of the commissioning process. Experimentation to demonstrate system performance may be permitted. If the Commissioning Authority deems the experimentation work to be ineffective or untimely as it relates to the commissioning process, the CA shall notify the Owner, indicating the nature of the problem, expected steps to be taken, and suggested deadline(s) for completion of activities. If the deadline(s) pass without resolution of the problem, the Owner reserves the right to obtain supplementary services and/or equipment to resolve the problem. Costs incurred to solve the problems in an expeditious manner shall be the Contractor's responsibility. C. Any corrective work that takes place at a time when systems are operating and requires that any system be taken out of service shall require a Method of Procedure prepared by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 25 08 00 © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 28 SECTION 25 10 00 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION – PLATFORM PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. This section describes the features and requirements of the integrated automation platform, consisting of software, hardware, and communications. B. Section includes: 1. Software 2. Hardware 3. Automation System Routers, Interfaces, and Gateways 4. Network 5. Programming/Integration 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Specifications throughout all Divisions of the project document set are directly applicable to this Section, and this Section is directly applicable to all Divisions. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Ethernet – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 B. HTTP(S) – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Secure) – Internet Engineering Task Force – Request for Comments (RFC) – RFC 9110 C. TLS – Transport Layer Security – Network Working Group – Requests for Comments (RFC) - RFC 5216 D. BACnet – ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2020 E. Modbus – Modbus Application Protocol Specification V1.1b3 1.04 LICENSING A. Software as a Service licensing may deviate from this sub-section. This sub-section is intended for non-SaaS integration software. B. Product licenses shall be set in the name of and become property of the Owner. Owner shall be notified of any restrictions placed on the licensing. C. Allow for unlimited simultaneous users for access to all aspects of the system, including points, programming, database management, network and communications management, and graphics creation/modification. D. Provide a licensed copy of software used by the Contractor to program, configure or otherwise install the system or needed to operate the system to its full capabilities. E. Provide the customer with license keys along with two (2) copies of the software and backups taken after commissioning has been accepted. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 29 F. Provide the Owner with written documentation describing the license limitations (e.g., number of devices or points allowed, enabled drivers, etc.), date of license maintenance expiration, and renewal costs, if any. G. Provide the Owner with the contact information to enact any license modification or renewal. 1.05 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The integrated automation platform consists of the networks, hardware, software, programming, and graphics implemented to layer above and communicate with the individual building systems. This system shall enable interoperability and facilitate the expected outcomes of the use cases. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All materials shall meet or exceed all applicable referenced standards and federal, state, and local requirements and conform to codes and ordinances of relevant authorities having jurisdiction. 2.02 SOFTWARE A. Software as a Service (Cloud-Based) 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. Johnson Controls b. Siemens c. Honeywell d. KODE Labs e. Buildings IOT f. Or approved equal 2. Features a. Subscription software as a service enabling site connectivity that provides quick onboarding of building data and assets to the platform through continuous connectivity within a secure environment. b. Provides remote gateway software stack updates via the cloud connection. c. Connects to cloud environment via hardware or virtual gateway appliance. Connects via a Layer 3 tunnel from client systems behind the firewall to the hosted endpoint. d. Embedded web application to configure and register the gateway. e. Support for a wide range of communications protocols, such as BACnet/IP, Niagara Network (Foxs), Modbus TCP, OPC UA, SNMP, and MQTT. f. BMS BACnet discovery can be managed via the service. g. Ability to remotely deploy and redeploy/update gateway services. h. BMS data model to be synced with the cloud service. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 30 i. Sends BMS history and alarm data to the cloud service. j. Can write back to the control system for energy optimization. k. Allow for station template deployments. l. Software should be upgraded to the most up-to-date version prior to deployment. The most up- to-date security and encryption should be used. 3. Hardware requirements a. For hardware gateway installations, use Manufacturer’s standard gateway product. b. For virtual gateway systems, provide computing hardware and operating systems to meet or exceed the Manufacturer’s recommended specifications. c. Coordinate and comply with Owner’s IT group to ensure acceptance of their operational and cybersecurity requirements. 4. Additional requirements a. Must be FedRAMP, State-RAMP, or TX-RAMP certified B. PC or Server Software (On Premise) 1. Acceptable Products: a. Tridium Niagara N4 b. J2 Innovations FIN Stack c. Or approved equal 2. Features a. Web browser-based (HTML5) graphical user interface that supports the following features: 1) Control system integration (HVAC, lighting, etc.) 2) Real-time graphical user interface 3) Tree navigation 4) Data trending and charting 5) Equipment and event scheduling 6) Alarm management 7) Data display and analytics 8) Field device management 9) Parameter changes of properties 10) Set point adjustments 11) Control logic programming 12) Execution of global commands © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 31 13) Graphical user interface creation and modification 14) User creation and secure access management b. Supports an unlimited number of users over the internet/intranet with a standard web browser. c. Centralized system management d. Use of tagging for quick navigation, graphics creation, and data analysis. e. Tools for data comparison and exportation to external databases. f. Optional enterprise-level data archival using SQL, MySQL, or Oracle databases and HTTP/HTML/XML, CSV, or text formats. g. Facilitate integration between different systems and applications, such as HVAC control, lighting control, metering, work order management, analytics, etc. h. Manage backup, and allow batch provision of security credentials, upgrades, applications, and commissioning options of Niagara-based controllers. i. Provide capability for built-in analytics to be enabled if required. j. Support for a wide range of communications protocols, such as BACnet/IP, Niagara Network (Foxs), Modbus TCP, SNMP, and MQTT. k. Allow remote backup of JACE and edge controller applications to the Supervisor. l. Conformance with FIPS 140-2 Level 1. m. Follows industry best practices for cyber security, with support for features such as strong, hashed passwords, TLS for secure communications, and certificate management tools for authentication. A built-in Security Dashboard provides a comprehensive and actionable view of the security posture of the deployment. n. “Audit Trail” of database changes, database storage and backup, global time functions, calendar, central scheduling, control, and energy management routines. o. Software should be upgraded to the most up-to-date version prior to deployment. The most up- to-date security and encryption should be used. 4. Hardware requirements a. Provide computing hardware and operating systems to meet or exceed the Manufacturer’s recommended specifications. b. Coordinate and comply with Owner’s IT group to ensure acceptance of their operational and cybersecurity requirements. c. For systems that will use the native database tool that resides on the same drive or machine as the integration software, provide, at a minimum, a 500GB storage capacity. 1TB storage capacity is recommended for larger applications. C. Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor, Electrical Contractor, and Owner to confirm the location of integrated automation hardware. 2.03 AUTOMATION SYSTEM ROUTERS, INTERFACES & GATEWAYS © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 32 A. Third-party interfaces and gateways shall be limited to equipment that the Contractor cannot or has not been contracted to control or monitor via DDC controllers or where the OEM controls are not available in open protocols such as BACnet or Modbus. This equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the following examples. 1. Chillers, Generators, CRAC units, Power Distribution Equipment, Switchgear, Inverters, DC Power Plant, Utility Monitoring equipment, and process controls. B. Third-party routers, interfaces, and gateways shall be configurable via an embedded webpage. No interfaces that require software to be installed on a computer to configure them should be used. C. Third-party routers, interfaces, and gateways shall have the ability to disable and enable communications ports for added security. D. Third-party routers, interfaces, and gateways that are exposed to the Owner’s network shall be subject to review and approval by the Owner and their cybersecurity team. E. Third-party routers, interfaces, and gateways should be upgraded to the most up-to-date version of the software prior to deployment. The most up-to-date security and encryption, where applicable, should be used. F. Any field devices required to complete the integrated automation scope of work shall be mounted in panels. Panels shall meet the same requirements as noted in the Division section for that equipment. Example: HVAC equipment panel requirements are to be listed in Division 23; lighting equipment panel requirements are to be listed in Division 26. 2.04 NETWORK A. Refer to Division 27 for network equipment and material requirements. PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 SUMMARY A. Coordination with the Owner, General Contractor, and other trades is necessary for successful completion of this work. Review the Use Cases in Division 25 90 00 with the project team to establish the teams required to achieve each expected outcome. B. Provide submittal reviews to ensure that control systems required to achieve the Use Cases have the proper communications abilities, how they are to be connected, and how they are to be controlled or monitored. C. Provide a review of the points lists from control systems to confirm the points needed are available, exposed, and controllable. Coordinate with the project team to discuss integration strategy with those Contractors, vendors, and the project team. D. Create and submit for review and approval of an operational technology network architecture diagram to visually represent the platform provided by the Contractor and each of the lower control systems it is connected to, showing how they are connected and how they are communicating (protocol & method, for example, BACnet IP & Ethernet, or Modbus & RS-485). 3.02 PREPARATION A. Create a device integration table showing each system that is connected, how it is connected, where it is connected, and what protocols, ports, and addresses are assigned. This table shall be maintained and updated © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 33 throughout the project and submitted with the record drawings. Additionally, furnish a copy of the electronic version to the Owner. B. Coordinate the device integration table with the Owner’s IT group to ensure that it complies with their network and cybersecurity standards and addressing schemes. C. Coordinate timing with the installation and startup of equipment and control systems to allow for the ability to perform on-site coordination and testing of the integrated system. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall meet or exceed all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and referenced standards. B. All installation shall be in accordance with Manufacturer’s published recommendations. C. Install all software and verify that the systems are fully operational. Ensure licensing is provided for all software. D. No license, software component, key, etc., or any piece of information required for installing, configuring, operating, diagnosing, and maintaining the system shall be withheld from the Owner. E. Set up servers, desktops, and laptops provided by the Owner for use as dedicated smart building workstations. Install all software and verify that the system is fully operational. F. Deliver to the Owner PC and server administration level usernames and passwords established during initial configuration and startup. G. Comply with all rules, guidelines, and procedures defined by the Owner’s IT authority. 3.04 PROGRAMMING/INTEGRATION A. Platform configuration 1. Contractor shall thoroughly and completely configure the platform software, supplemental software, network communications, operator workstations, and network communications. 2. Contractor shall, after all hardware (devices/nodes and wiring) has been installed, provide all necessary configuration, device discovery/enrollment, integration, and programming to achieve the use case expected outcomes. 3. Contractor shall start up, test, and set all parameters. The Contractor shall demonstrate compliance with all requirements herein. All damaged or malfunctioning software/hardware shall be replaced. 4. Final adjustments shall be performed by specially trained personnel in the direct employment of the Contractor. 5. A network traffic or protocol analyzer shall be used to observe, analyze, and diagnose the behavior of the installed network. 6. All graphics and use case outcomes shall be operational and demonstrated before final acceptance. B. User setup and management 1. Contractor shall set up all users and provide initial passwords as requested by the Owner during construction and commissioning. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 34 2. Contractor shall not use admin account for day-to-day programming and configuration or for support during the warranty period. 3. All users shall be required to have unique accounts; sharing of accounts is not allowed. 4. Contractor shall apply only the access required for each person or user persona to perform their function in the system. 5. Contractor shall recommend minimum user levels: a. Administrator b. Super User c. User d. Read Only C. Device and Point Naming 1. Device and point naming shall follow an established standard that is approved by the Owner. The standard may be the Owner’s pre-defined naming standard, a third-party standard, or created specifically for the project. 2. The standard abbreviation for different equipment types is a key component of the system and impacts the naming of histories and displays in the graphics. Regional differences in equipment types and names can result in similar systems utilizing unique names. 3. When multiple instances of equipment exist (e.g., two pumps, 40 VAV boxes), each individual component is assigned a numeric indicator to differentiate them. A minimum of two (2) digits are required for the indicators to ensure proper ordering in list-type views. D. Point Tagging 1. All points shall be tagged using the software’s tag manager to provide semantic data model context, which enables consumption of the data by the system to populate graphics and reports. It also enables third-party analytic and diagnostic systems to consume the data for analysis and reporting. 2. Tagging application shall be based on the Project Haystack standard unless directed otherwise and approved by the Owner. Reference the Project Haystack website at https://project-haystack.org/. (NEEDS TO BE DEFINED) 3. Tags are applied to the integrated equipment and data points to provide specific details about the data to allow other applications to comprehend content without having to understand the individual naming conventions. a. Geo Tags: The “geo” tags are used to provide detailed information about the geographic location of the building. b. Site Tags: The “site” tags are used to provide information for a single building with a unique street address. In a campus environment, each building should be considered a separate site. c. Space Reference Tags: The “space” tags provide descriptions of physical areas within the building, including floors and rooms. They may also include logical system-oriented zones for HVAC, lighting, or other systems. Note that these tags refer to specific systems, such as critical systems, but not necessarily the infrastructure itself. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 35 d. Equip Tags: The “equip” tag identifies the physical asset or logical grouping of equipment. The equipment tags may directly align with equipment names but will vary for some types of equipment. e. Point Tags: Points are tagged with specific markers to convey additional information about the relationship within the equipment. E. Point Information 1. Provide the following minimum programming for each analog input: a. Name. b. Address. c. Scanning frequency or COV threshold. d. Engineering units. e. Offset calibration and scaling factor for engineering units. f. High and low alarm values and alarm differentials for return to normal condition. g. High and low-value reporting limits (reasonableness values), which shall prevent control logic from using shorted or open circuit values. h. Selectable averaging function that shall average the measured value over a user-selected number of scans for reporting. 2. Provide the following minimum programming for each analog output: a. Name. b. Address. c. Output updating frequency. d. Engineering units. e. Offset calibration and scaling factor for engineering units. f. Output Range. 3. Provide the following minimum programming for each digital input: a. Name. b. Address. c. Engineering units (on/off, open/closed, freeze/normal, etc.). d. Debounce time delay. e. Message and alarm reporting as specified. f. Reporting of each change of state and memory storage of the time of the last change of state. g. Totalization of on-time (for all motorized equipment status points) and accumulated number of off-to-on transitions. 4. Provide the following minimum programming for each digital output: © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 36 a. Name. b. Address. c. Output updating frequency. d. Engineering units (on/off, open/closed, freeze/normal, etc.). e. Direct or Reverse action selection. f. Minimum on time. g. Minimum off time. h. Status association with a DI and failure alarming (as applicable). i. Reporting of each change of state and memory storage of the time of the last change of state. j. Totalization of on-time (for all motorized equipment status points) and accumulated number of off-to-on transitions. F. Data Logging – General 1. The following are minimum requirements of the system data logging capabilities in addition to other requirements defined in these specifications. These define the minimum where the specifications define minimum criteria more than these listed herein, and the more advanced shall apply. a. Active Alarms – The unit memory shall be capable of holding at least the 5000 most recent alarms with source information, time, and date stamp for each alarm. b. Graphic Data View: System operational and functional data shall be able to populate custom user interface graphics to represent existing conditions. Data shall also be available for historical and real-time analysis for all point histories. c. Event/Audit Log: unit memory shall hold the 500 most recent audits and events with ID number, time, and date stamp for each event. d. Total Run Hours: Menu shall display accumulative component operating hours for the software platform as well as major components, including compressors, generators, chillers, pumps, fan motors, humidifiers, and reheat. Provide run hours for all equipment that is started/stopped based on a schedule for this project. Provide the user with a way to reset run hours. G. Trends/Histories 1. General a. Contractor shall establish and store trend logs. Trend logs shall be prepared for each physical input and output point and all dynamic virtual points, such as setpoints subject to a reset schedule, intermediate setpoint values for cascaded control loops, and the like , as directed by the Owner. b. The Owner will analyze trend logs of the system operating parameters to evaluate normal system functionality. Contractor shall establish these trends and ensure they are being stored properly. c. Data shall include a single row of field headings, and the data thereafter shall be contiguous. Each record shall include a date and time field or single date stamp. Recorded parameters for a given piece of equipment or component shall be trended at the same intervals and be presented © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 37 in a maximum of two (2) separate 2-dimensional formats, with time being the row heading and field name being the column heading. d. Sample times indicated as COV (Δ) or change-of-value mean that the changed parameter only needs to be recorded after the value changes by the amount listed. When output to the trendi ng file, the latest recorded value shall be listed with any given time increment record. The samples shall be filled with the latest values also if the points include different time intervals. e. Trending intervals or COV thresholds shall be dictated by the Engineer or Owner upon system start-up. f. The Contractor shall demonstrate functional trends as specified for a period of thirty (30) days after successful system demonstration before final acceptance of the system. g. All trended data shall be made available for customized user-defined graphs. 2. Logging/Graphing a. Trend Logs: the operator shall be able to define a custom trend log for any data object in the system. This definition shall include change of value digital, change of value analog, time interval, start time, and stop time. Trend data shall be available on the integration platform and retrievable for use in spreadsheets and standard database programs. b. Prepare controller and workstation software to display graphical format trends. Trended values and intervals shall be the same as those specified. c. Lines shall be labeled and shall be distinguishable from each other by using either different line types or different line colors. d. Indicate engineering units of the y-axis values, e.g., degrees F., inches w.g., Btu/lb, percent open, etc. e. The y-axis scale shall be chosen so that all trended values are in a readable range. f. Each graph shall be clearly labeled with variables, dates, and times. H. Graphical User Interface 1. For systems that do not have existing graphics standards, the Contractor shall generate new graphics that are similar in nature, look, and function to the graphics standards. The Contractor shall submit all new graphics to the Owner for approval prior to replicating for each piece of equipment. 2. In addition to the requirements listed herein, the Contractor shall provide 120 hours of onsite GUI customization to be directed by the Owner or the commissioning agent. 3. The Contractor shall provide graphs, trends, logs, and system links for all components as defined in these construction documents. 4. The Contractor shall develop the GUI in accordance with all rules and guidelines for development as set by the Manufacturer. This shall include following all guidelines for bundles, nested bundles, interstation links, network management, and the rules and guidelines defined by the Manufacturer. 5. The Contractor shall coordinate and assist the Commissioning Agent with the GUI commissioning process. 6. The Contractor shall develop individual graphics and web pages for the following system components. Actual Design Document AutoCAD or PDF files for risers, floor plans, and details shall be © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 38 incorporated into the GUI development whenever possible. Contact the Architect and sign required wavers to gain access to these files. 7. Provide a Site Plan of the Facility. Clicking on any area of the site plan shall direct the user to an enlarged plan of the selected area and associated equipment. 8. Provide a single summary page showing all current alarms and the status of all critical pieces of equipment, including the current values of critical data. 9. Provide graphic floor plan screens for each floor of each building. a. Indicate the location of all equipment that is not located on the equipment room screens. b. Include a spectrum legend and any global floor commands. c. Provide graphic floor plan screens for each equipment room and a plan screen of the roof. Indicate the location of each piece of equipment. Provide a drawing link from each equipment symbol shown on the graphic plan view screen to each corresponding mechanical system schematic graphic screen. d. If multiple floor plans are necessary to show all areas, provide a graphic building key plan. Use elevation views and/or plan views as necessary to graphically indicate the location of all the larger-scale floor plans. Link graphic building key plan to larger-scale partial floor plans. Provide links from each larger-scale graphic floor plan screen to the building key plan and to each of the other graphic floor plan screens. 10. System Schematic Screens: Provide graphic system schematic screen for each subsystem controlled with each I/O point in the Project appearing on at least one graphic screen. System graphics shall include flow diagrams with status, setpoints, current analog input and output values, operator commands, etc., as applicable. General layout of the system shall be schematically correct. Input/output devices shall be shown in their schematically correct locations. Include appropriate engineering units for each displayed point value. Verbose names (English language descriptors) shall be included for each point on all graphics; this may be accomplished using a pop-up window accessed by selecting the displayed point with the mouse. Indicate all adjustable setpoints on the applicable system schematic graphic screen or, if space does not allow, on a supplemental linked-setpoint screen. 11. Provide detailed graphic screens for each primary system. Example: AHU - Indicate outside air temperature and enthalpy, and mode of operation as applicable (i.e., occupied, unoccupied, warm -up, cool-down). Link screens for air handlers to the heating system and cooling system graphics. Link screens for supply and exhaust systems if they are not combined into one screen. 12. Use Toolbar at the top of each screen page to provide Equipment information and to provide hyperlink access to Alarms, Charts, Calendars, and Emergency Stops. 13. Provide a graphic screen for each zone when zones exist. Provide links to graphic system schematic screens of units that serve the corresponding zone. 14. If the system has zones, provide summary graphics for multiple zones for each floor. 15. Alarms: Each programmed alarm shall appear on at least one graphic screen. In general, alarms shall be displayed on the graphic system schematic screen for the system that the alarm is associated with (for example, chiller alarm shall be shown on graphic cooling system schematic screen). For all graphic screens, display analog values that are in a ‘high alarm’ condition in a red color, and ‘low alarm’ condition in a yellow color. Indicate digital values that are in alarm condition in a red color. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 39 I. Alarms 1. This Section supersedes and overrules all references to integrated automation alarms in the Contract Documents, including all sequences of operations and other sections of the IAS Specification regarding alarms. The Contractor shall support and not impede the customizing necessary for alarms and alarm parameters to meet the Owner’s needs. 2. Contractor is required to submit a point summary to confirm point names as specified herein. Contractor shall submit this point summary with the addition of identifying all alarms, which includes detailed information on the alarm parameters, to the Owner for approval prior to the beginning of any Commissioning process of the integrated automation system. 3. Owner will provide the format form to Contractor or Commissioning Agent upon request. Owner shall grant approval of alarms to be verified through Commissioning by issuing the approved alarms to the Contractor. The approved alarms issued to the Contractor shall be used for the Functional Test Procedures alarms tested. The Contractor shall initiate the start of this process immediately after submittal has been approved and monitor the progress to ensure the construction schedule is not delayed. 4. Nuisance Alarms: All alarms that have been identified by the Owner as a nuisance alarm due to numerous times in and out of alarm shall be addressed and corrected by the Contractor in a manner that the Owner has approved. 5. See requirements for additional equipment-specific alarms specified in the Contract Documents. J. Application Programming 1. Provide all database creation and Site-specific application control programming as required by these Specifications, national and local standards, and for a fully functioning system. Provide source code for all Site-specific application programming and thoroughly document programming. Meet the intent of the written sequence of operation or expected outcome. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to request clarification on sequence or outcome issues that require such clarification. 2. All Site-specific programming shall be fully documented and submitted for review and approval prior to downloading into the controllers, at the completion of functional performance testing, and at the end of the Warranty Period. 3. All programming, graphics, and data files must be maintained in a logical system of directories. All file names shall adhere to the naming convention format as established by or approved by the Owner. All software applications, programs, databases, and files developed for the Project will be the property of the Owner, will be licensed to the Owner, and shall remain on the workstation(s)/server(s) at the completion of the Project. K. Use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) 1. Use of APIs is allowed upon review and approval of the Owner and their IT and cybersecurity group. 2. If an API is used, provide documentation of all point data and function codes. 3.05 SECURITY A. Backup 1. Provide or coordinate means to provide regular backups of the system to the Owner. Means and methods of creating and storing the backup shall be reviewed and approved by or supplied by the Owner’s IT group. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 10 00 40 B. Updates 1. Review with the Owner and their IT group how system updates are notified and deployed. 2. Review with the Owner and their IT group if and how updates affect system operation and what notices and precautions should be taken when performing an update. Create a standard operating procedure for the system update and what actions need to be taken in case of a failed update. 3. Review with the Owner and their IT group if and how the licensing impacts the availability of updates and support from the Manufacturer. C. Encryption 1. Encryption of communications and storage drives should be used when available unless there is a substantial reason not to do so. Encryption use and plans should be reviewed and approved by the Owner and their IT and cybersecurity groups. 2. The most up-to-date security and encryption available for the application should be used. 3.06 NETWORK A. Refer to Division 27 for network execution requirements. END OF SECTION 25 10 00 © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 41 SECTION 25 90 00 INTEGRATED AUTOMATION – APPLICATIONS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY / SCOPE OF WORK Local project team to add/remove use cases for project-specific details. A. Section includes the following use cases: 1. Unified user interface (UUI) 2. Analytics 3. Utility Usage 4. Wayfinding 5. Occupancy Data 6. Room Reservation 7. Control Space Conditions 8. Digital Signage 1.02 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. The Systems Integrator (Contractor) shall be the lead designer and coordinator within the team to outline the information, access, and customization required to meet the expected outcome. The Systems Integrator will be responsible for equipment and programming within the integration platform. B. The General Contractor shall facilitate and support the coordination and communications efforts between the teams to ensure that questions, issues, and disputes are resolved in a timely manner. The General Contractor is ultimately responsible for the schedule and delivery of the expected outcomes. C. The Owner shall participate in the coordination of the work between the participants on the construction team and involve any contracted or hired third-party consultants, Contractors, or vendors that are required to deliver the expected outcomes. D. The Specialty Contractors (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, access, security, video, network, parking, elevators, etc.) shall participate in the coordination of the work with the project team. The Specialty Contractors are responsible for equipment and programming within their provided systems. 1.03 COORDINATION OF WORK A. General Contractor and Systems Integrator (Contractor) shall facilitate coordination meetings involving the parties that own each included division within this specification. B. It is expected that the Systems Integrator (Contractor), General Contractor, and Specialty Contractors shall work together to achieve the outcomes as described within each use case. C. Consultation with the Owner shall be required to ensure the delivery of each use case aligns with their third- party Contractors and vendors who are not directly part of the construction team. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 42 PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SUMMARY A. This section outlines each of the use cases required for the project by describing the use case, providing the expected outcomes that should result from the effort, and listing the general sections of work that are required to work together and integrate to deliver the expected outcomes. The list of incorporated divisions is intended to be a guide and is not strictly defined or limited. B. The Minimum Integration Requirements are meant to demonstrate the generalized minimum amount of system integration required to enable the use case. These requirements are not intended to be all- encompassing or explain every integration required to perform the use case. They are a guideline to get the process started and allow for case and project-specific integration or data requirements to be added upon or replace these minimum requirements. 3.02 USE CASE – UNIFIED USER INTERFACE (UUI) A. Description: Allow monitoring and tracking of all systems from a graphic operator interface. B. Expected Outcomes: 1. From the UUI, the user can observe the data of all HVAC equipment and the current conditions of all monitored spaces. 2. From the UUI, the user can be notified of current alarms and have access to previous alarms. 3. From the UUI, the user can have access to historical trend data for analysis and troubleshooting. 4. From the UUI, the user can observe and change the building system occupancy schedules. 5. From the UUI, the user can interact with the access control system to monitor the building. 6. From the UUI, the user can interact with the lighting control system to see circuit statuses, override lighting, and change lighting schedules. 7. From the UUI, the user can observe the elevator status and receive alarms and alerts. 8. From the UUI, the user can observe people counting data to better understand the building occupancy and use. 9. From the UUI, the user can submit maintenance requests to the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), if available. C. Incorporated Divisions: 1. DIVISION 14 – Conveying Equipment 2. DIVISION 22 – Plumbing 3. DIVISION 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 4. DIVISION 25 – Integrated Automation © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 43 5. DIVISION 26 – Electrical 6. DIVISION 27 – Communications 7. DIVISION 28 – Electronic Safety and Security D. Minimum Integration Requirements: 1. Building Automation System (HVAC) a. Send equipment and space status to the UUI platform. b. Receive setpoint and schedule changes from the BAS(HVAC). 2. Analytics / Fault Detection & Diagnostics a. Receive trend data queries from the UUI platform. b. Send trend data, via queries, to the UUI platform. c. Send alarms to the UUI platform. d. Receive alarm acknowledgments from the UUI platform. 3. Lighting Control System a. Send lighting and occupancy sensor status information to the UUI platform. b. Receive lighting override commands and schedule changes from the UUI platform. 4. People Counting a. Send space population and use data to the UUI platform for monitoring. 5. Access Control System a. Send access control system points statuses and alarms to the UUI platform for monitoring. 6. Space Utilization a. Send data to the UUI platform, including 1. Population (building/floor/room/zone) 2. Percentage of capacity 3. Density (varies) 4. Peak utilization (building/floor/room/zone) 5. Average peak utilization 6. Daily peak utilization 7. Frequency of peaks 7. Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) a. Receive maintenance requests from the UUI platform and enter them into the CMMS. b. Receive maintenance request updates from the UUI platform and update the record in the CMMS. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 44 c. Send acknowledgment of entered requests and status of existing requests in the CMMS database to the UUI platform. 3.03 USE CASE – ANALYTICS A. Description: Provide building system analytics to generate insights and improve operational efficiency through data-driven decision making B. Expected Outcomes: 1. Analytics system shall provide continuous artificial intelligence and machine learning applications to monitor and report on current or imminent maintenance issues. The predictive maintenance platform may be separate from the analytics platform. 2. Predictive maintenance issues shall be sent to the computerized maintenance management system to generate a ticket and assigned to a maintenance technician. 3. Centralized interface to view all faults and alarms. C. Incorporated Divisions: 1. DIVISION 14 – Conveying Equipment 2. DIVISION 22 – Plumbing 3. DIVISION 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 4. DIVISION 25 – Integrated Automation 5. DIVISION 26 – Electrical 6. DIVISION 27 – Communications 7. DIVISION 28 – Electronic Safety and Security D. Minimum Integration Requirements 1. Analytics/Fault Detection and Diagnostics Software a. Send notice/alarm information with details to the CMMS. b. Receive notice/alarm acknowledgment from CMMS. 2. Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) a. Receive notice/alarm information and details from the Analytics/Fault Detection and Diagnostics Software. b. Send notice/alarm acknowledgment to Analytics/Fault Detection and Diagnostics Software. 3.04 USE CASE – UTILITY USAGE A. Description: Measure utility usage at a granular level to develop dashboards and reports for relevant stakeholders. B. Expected Outcomes: 1. The user can monitor utility usage in real time, both aggregated to the highest level available and to the most discrete level available. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 45 2. The user can generate usage reports to reflect current usage, historical usage, and comparative over time. 3. The user can use the system to identify the times when use is highest and investigate how to reduce the peak usage to avoid demand charges. 4. The user can set alarms and notifications for when certain usage conditions are met. C. Incorporated Divisions: 1. DIVISION 22 – Plumbing 2. DIVISION 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 3. DIVISION 25 – Integrated Automation 4. DIVISION 26 – Electrical 5. DIVISION 27 – Communications 6. DIVISION 28 – Electronic Safety and Security D. Minimum Integration Requirements: 1. Meter(s) should be integrated into the data collection platform (energy analytics, UUI, etc.) 2. If an energy management system is used, data should be integrated into the UUI 3.05 USE CASE – WAYFINDING SYSTEM A. Description: Provide an interior wayfinding system to assist occupants with navigation within a building and on campus to improve occupant experience B. Expected Outcomes: 1. Detect location of an individual utilizing the system 2. Provide occupants with directions to a destination from their current location C. Incorporated Divisions: D. Minimum Integration Requirements 1. Location Based Services a. Receive and display data from the Location Based Services 3.06 USE CASE – OCCUPANCY DATA A. Description: Provide occupancy data, wait times, or other indicators for shared spaces to inform occupants about planning their schedules B. Expected Outcomes: 1. Anonymously count occupants within an amenity space to provide real-time occupancy data. 2. Users can see the current people counts within areas defined and monitored by the counting system to understand what spaces are currently populated. C. Incorporated Divisions: © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 46 1. DIVISION 25 – Integrated Automation 2. DIVISION 27 – Communications 3. DIVISION 28 – Electronic Safety and Security D. Minimum Integration Requirements 1. People Counting 2. Space Utilization 3. Digital Signage 3.07 USE CASE – ROOM RESERVATION A. Description: Display room data such as A/V equipment installed, seat count, computer/workstations, and other room attributes for occupants to make informed room reservation decisions B. Expected Outcomes 1. Occupants can check availability, reserve, or cancel reservations for shared spaces 2. Occupants will be informed on space features and available equipment 3. Provide building managers with ability to measure shared amenity space reservations and utilization. C. Incorporated Divisions 1. DIVISION 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 2. DIVISION 25 – Integrated Automation 3. DIVISION 26 – Electrical 4. DIVISION 27 – Communications 5. DIVISION 28 – Electronic Safety and Security D. Minimum Integration Requirements 1. Digital Signage 2. Space Utilization 3. Occupancy Sensors 4. Space Reservation/Booking System a. Send information showing available conference room(s) to Mobile Application. b. Receive requests to reserve or cancel a conference room(s) from the Mobile Application. c. Send confirmation of a reservation or cancellation to the Mobile Application. d. Send notice to CMMS that a conference room(s) has been vacated and is ready to be cleaned. e. Receive notice from CMMS that a conference room(s) has been cleaned and is ready to be released to the pool of available desks. © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 47 f. Synchronize conference room(s) availability with a calendar server such as Office365 or G Suite. 5. Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) a. Receive notice from Space Reservation/Booking System to clean desk prior to releasing it to the pool of available desks. b. Send notice to Space Reservation/Booking System that the desk has been cleaned. 6. Calendar Server 7. Synchronize desk availability with a Space Reservation/Booking System 3.08 USE CASE – CONTROL SPACE CONDITIONS A. Description: Control space conditions such as heating/cooling with real-time occupancy data to improve equipment and energy efficiency B. Expected Outcomes: 1. The HVAC control system shall monitor data points, such as temperature, humidity, IAQ data points, room air changes, CO2, etc., where defined. 2. From the UUI, the user can observe a dashboard created to display the monitored rooms and their data, along with an indicator to show if this is above or below the requirements. 3. The HVAC control system or analytics/fault detection and diagnostics software issues an alarm when key locations do not meet the standard requirements over a given period. C. Incorporated Divisions: 1. DIVISION 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 2. DIVISION 25 – Integrated Automation 3. DIVISION 27 – Communications D. Minimum Integration Requirements: 1. Building Automation System (HVAC) a. Send equipment and space status to the UUI platform. b. Receive setpoint and schedule changes from the BAS(HVAC). 2. Analytics / Fault Detection & Diagnostics a. Receive trend data queries from the UUI platform. b. Send trend data, via queries, to the UUI platform. c. Send alarms to the UUI platform. d. Receive alarm acknowledgments from the UUI platform. 3.09 USE CASE – DIGITAL SIGNAGE A. Description: B. Expected Outcomes: © 2022 - Intelligent Buildings, LLC. All Rights Reserved Section 25 90 00 48 1. Building Owner/manager(s) shall define the data to be displayed on the signage 2. Signage shall be continuously displayed on monitors set in locations to be identified by the Owner/manager(s) C. Incorporated Divisions: 1. DIVISION 10 – Specialties 2. DIVISION 14 – Conveying Equipment 3. DIVISION 22 – Plumbing 4. DIVISION 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning 5. DIVISION 25 – Integrated Automation 6. DIVISION 26 – Electrical 7. DIVISION 27 – Communications 8. DIVISION 28 – Electronic Safety and Security D. Minimum Integration Requirements 1. Space Utilization/People Counting a. Send KPI data, as determined by project team 2. Digital Signage a. Receive and display site information as defined by the project team b. Receive and display KPI information from the Space Utilization/People Counting system. END OF SECTION 25 90 00