HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-05-tcc-emergency-power-guidelinesEmergency, Legally Required Standby, and Optional Standby Backup Power Systems Supplement 1. Requirements A. Provide engineered construction documents for all TCCD (referred to as “district”) projects for necessary backup power provisions within all facilities, where the necessary loads and operations of a building are present as outlined in this guideline, or where operations may require special considerations not included in this guideline, but require backup power for purposes indicated by project scope of work outlines. The design professional shall review all requirements present within this guideline, and those implied by individual building operations or published deliverable, as it applies to each project distributed for professional services by the district. B. The Design Professional shall communicate in writing with TCD for specific requirements that may not be expressly stated within this document. Where variance from this guideline is deemed necessary, the Design Professional shall use the variance request forms to request variation with TCCD. Forms available from the district. C. This guide outlines minimum backup power performance in the case of an “Event”; See “Definitions.” D. Codes and Standards 1. Provide emergency, legally required, and optional standby systems meeting the requirements of the following listed standards, in the year applicable to the AHJ associated with the project site. i. NFPA 70 (NEC) ii. NFPA 20, 30, 37, 101, 110 iii. UL 58, 142, 924, 1008, 1085, 2200 iv. IEEE C62.41.1, 446 v. NEMA MG1 E. Definitions: 1. Event: an occurrence of any type that requires the backup power systems to become the source of energy for the facility, structure, building, campus, and any systems within. Events shall not be limited only to loss of normal power outages, but also outages that may occur due to on-premise emergencies, acts of god, weather, vandalism, criminal activities, or any other scenario that require both backup power and operational capabilities of the district to manage the event while also maintain operability to assist in mitigation of damages and losses to persons, property, and hardware/software information storage systems. 2. Life Safety: as defined by NEC 700, generally considered as a branch of backup power necessary to promote safe and timely evacuations. 3. Legally Required Standby: as defined by NEC 701, generally considered as a branch of backup power necessary to prevent impediments to rescue operations. 4. Optional Standby: as defined by NEC 702. And for the purposes of this guideline and operational criteria of the district, this branch is required to be operational at all times, only subject to the priority of Life Safety and Legally Required branches (where present) and it shall not be acceptable for design and implement such a backup power system that is inadequate in allowing this branch to operate. This branch includes safeguards necessary to add extra layers of protections and abilities to operate facilities and buildings during normal power outages. F. Materials, accessories, design coordination 1. The following are all acceptable systems for emergency and backup power sources. As technology changes, the Design Professional is expected to consider the following options for each project. Not all are fully described in this TDG. Where outlined, the DP must follow the guideline or submit variance requests. Where using systems not described in this TDG, such as “DC Power Plants”, direct coordination with TCCD for best practices is required: i. Natural Gas Engine Driven generator (preferred) ii. Diesel Engine Driven Generator iii. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) (centralized or distributed) iv. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) v. DC Power Plants vi. Inverters vii. All systems must be acceptable to TCCD prior to final specification, for each project site. G. Include Automatic Transfer Switches H. Include Manual transfer switches, where required by NEC 700. Include camlock docking stations, or other TCCD approved method. I. Include generator distribution panels, or other approved methods per NEC, of separation between generator breaker devices J. All generators shall include weatherproof and sound reducing enclosures. Sound criteria shall be based on design professional recommendations based on unit location. K. Integral undermounted fuel tanks (Belly Tanks, where applicable) L. Include engineered equipment pads, collision and clearance bollards M. Include generator screening enclosures where located in highly visible areas 1. Where screened, provide necessary clearances from solid and/or perforated screenings. 2. Coordinate all air and maintenance clearances with manufacturer of equipment and design professionals included with construction screen enclosures N. Include sound reduction enclosures for all exterior located generators. O. Color Codes and Identification: 1. All receptacles shall be colored to identify them as Receptacles served by backup power in accordance with other sections of TCCD guidelines 2. All conduit shall be separate from normal power and be clearly marked as such. P. Coordinate necessary battery storage spaces to applicable codes for fire protection. 1. Coordinate with architectural design professional for space ratings where necessary for battery storage systems (all types) 2. Acceptable Manufacturers A. Engine and Alternator: 1. Cummins 2. Owner Approved equal. B. Automatic Transfer Switch 1. ASCO 2. Owner Approved equal C. Manual Transfer Switches 1. ASCO 2. Owner Approved Equal D. UPS 1. APC 2. Owner Approved Equal 3. System Configuration A. Refer to diagrams at the end of this section for hierarchy of systems. System names and/or descriptions may vary on each building. The Design Professional is required to verify that all necessary systems outlined in this guide are furnished the necessary type of backup power. B. Provide the following branches, listed in order of hierarchy and operational priority, as minimally required to meet the codes referenced in this outline, or any additional codes and standards that may be applicable to specialized facilities. 1. Life Safety/Emergency i. Limited to life safety systems only, such as egress/emergency lighting, Fire Alarm, Fire Pumps, or any other systems as defined by applicable codes ii. No other components except those specifically defined as Life Safety/Emergency shall be placed on distribution branches identified for such purposes iii. No Life Safety/Emergency elements may be placed on any other branch not identified as Life Safety/Emergency 2. Legally Required Standby i. Generally, not required for the majority of TCCD facilities. Provide Legally required branches only where required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction, or, where specifically identified by the Design professional as required ii. Notify TCCD when a legally required branch is included in design such that the district may determine if the facility programming merits the need of this branch. 3. Optional Standby i. All loads deemed necessary to facility operations - where not already included in Life Safety or Legally required above. Examples include: a. Intercommunications (Intercom), Mass-notification, Telecom, Data communication, Security, Access control, surveillance, Emergency Assistance phones (Code-Blue Phones) b. Convenience and general use receptacles c. Academic Support Systems, such as: Refrigeration and refrigerators and other systems requested by a Specific User or Department ii. Identified as Optional by NEC 702, but shall remain critical as defined by TCCD for operation and facility management purposes. iii. Where indicated to be included with a UPS, the UPS may be distributed or central, as deemed best fit by the design professional. iv. Optional loads shall be required to run on generator and/or UPS backup, where identified in the sections below. v. Classification of any electrical system as ‘Critical’ as defined and governed by NEC 708 is prohibited, unless specific direction is given by TCCD to the Design Professional. For the purposes of this guideline, the term ‘critical’ is as it applies to TCCD operations, and not as defined by the NEC. vi. Loads shall be operable during an “Event”. This may include simple power outages through active emergency scenarios. The optional standby power system must support the loads indicated in each section of this guideline, in all scenarios that include power outages during active emergencies or other ‘Events’. 4. Technical operations A. All systems shall include the minimum performances listed here: 1. Priority of operations: i. Life Safety ii. Legally Required iii. Optional Standby 2. Capacities (All backup power types: i. All systems shall have ability to accommodate 25% future growth, unless alternate criteria is given by the district ii. Generators shall be sized using Starting KVA values, and shall be sized such that the preceding step of the backup power system can remaining online and lower-priority steps are added. iii. All systems shall have a runtime at rated capacities of 48-hours, or have redundant backups to allow 48 hour runtime (for example, a UPS that requires only 4 hours runtime where receiving backup power from a generator with 48 hour runtime is considered to be online for 48hrs) 3. Generator operations: i. All generators shall be analyzed for the need to furnish load banks, in coordination with the manufacturer. Provide load banks (Static/fixed or modulating) as required by generator manufacturer. ii. Startup and transfer to backup power system based on normal service quality limits set forth by NFPA 110, 101, 20, or other guidelines applicable for Life Safety branches iii. Remain online for 15 minutes after normal power returns, prior to return transfer to normal power. iv. .5% voltage and frequency regulation. v. Weekly or monthly automatic exercising, based on generator recommendations by manufacturer, not to exceed time periods beyond monthly exercising. vi. Cool down cycles after all start cycles 4. Services and warranties i. Include startup and commissioning services of all backup power systems with manufacturer technicians and district personnel. ii. Include 8-hour training, Times scheduled with district personnel at their availability iii. Include extended maintenance agreements for a minimum of 3-years upon installation of backup power system iv. Include 10-year warranties on all engines and alternators. Include 5- year warranties on all battery-based systems. 5. Controls integrations i. All backup power systems shall be fully monitored by district building automation and reporting systems. ii. Generators: a. 5. Specific Requirements (“User” and/or “Department” Requirements) A. System names and/or descriptions may vary on each building, and will overlap within buildings. It is expected the requirements for Academics may otherwise be addressed within IT, Access, or Facilities sections. It is expected that as each element applies within a specific group, it applies wholly within the building or structure, and across all specific groups and department. The Design Professional shall review all necessary systems outlined in this guide and furnish the necessary type of backup power. B. IT (MDF and IDF) 1. Emergency and Life Safety: i. Subject to the requirements listed elsewhere in this guideline for facilities and structures that contain this specific group or department. ii. Emergency Lighting a. All IT spaces shall have, at a minimum, 1 fixture designated as an emergency fixture. b. Where deemed necessary by the design professional, based on size of each individual IT space, more emergency designated fixtures are acceptable to maintain egress from the space, or sufficient illumination for protection of personnel in the event of a power failure while maintaining equipment iii. Fire Alarm iv. Fire Suppression/detection a. All fire suppression and detection systems, including all necessary compressors, controls, monitors 2. Optional Standby (Without UPS): i. General Power Receptacles a. All IT spaces shall have at least 1 receptacle on standby power, per space. b. Larger IT spaces, >100SF, shall have 2 or more at the discretion of the design professional. c. General power receptacles shall be for convenience use only, and shall not be reserved for IT systems. provide additional specially for IT systems as required by those systems. ii. Backup HVAC a. All IT spaces with backup HVAC (not those deemed as primary HVAC) shall be served with power supplied from this branch. 3. Optional Standby (With UPS): i. Elevators a. Where Elevators are required for Life Safety and egress purposes, ensure necessary communications for elevators are included in this branch. b. Where dictated by jurisdiction only, this item may be considered “Legally required” and not “Life safety” and shall be relocated to the Legally Required branch where dictated by AHJ. c. Where required for life safety, elevators shall be furnished with controls and features allowing operation while operating on generator power. Do not use any manufacturer furnished battery lowing features in these applications. ii. Carrier Racks iii. Access controls iv. Panic Alarms v. Server Racks vi. Switch Racks vii. Relay Racks viii. Emergency Assistance Phones (Code-Blue Phones) Phones a. Classroom Emergency Assistance Phones (Code-Blue Phones) b. Corridor Emergency Assistance Phones (Code-Blue Phones) c. Emergency Assistance Phones (Code-Blue Phones) located in all parking lots and garages. ix. BAS status monitoring a. Monitor BAS for Power status only. The design professional shall provide the ability to determine if a power failure has occurred, but shall not be required to keep uninterruptible power to any BAS system, unless the portion of that system affects the operation of any previously listed critical system. x. Building Notification and messaging systems ( often referred to as the Alertus system) a. Including power to messaging displays, speakers, and any other notification devices or distribution cabinets associated. xi. Mass Communication systems C. Real Estate and Facilities, Central Utility Plant, Facility Ops 1. Emergency and Life Safety: i. Subject to the requirements listed elsewhere in this guideline for facilities and structures that contain this specific group or department. ii. Emergency Lighting a. All HVAC, electrical, equipment spaces shall be furnished with emergency lighting for general illumination during a power failure. b. Provide egress lighting as required by other codes elsewhere in all facilities as necessary for egress purposes c. All egress exterior exits to the public way shall be furnished with egress lighting immediately adjacent, and on the exterior of, the egress door. d. Pedestrian canopies shall be lit with egress lighting the entire length of the canopy to the same illumination level required inside the structure. iii. Fire Alarm iv. Fire Pumps v. Elevators a. Not all elevators shall be required for egress purposes, and therefore may not be a life safety load. The project Architect shall identify where Elevators are required for Egress purposes in accordance with IBC 2018 chapters 11 and 30. b. Where Elevators are required for Life Safety and egress purposes, ensure necessary communications for elevators are included in this branch. c. Where dictated by jurisdiction only, this item may be considered “Legally required” and not “Life safety” and shall be relocated to the Legally Required branch where dictated by AHJ. d. Where required for life safety, elevators shall be furnished with controls and features allowing operation while operating on generator power. Do not use any manufacturer furnished battery lowing features in these applications. 2. Legally Required Standby: i. Elevators a. Legally Required Branch as applicable to Elevators shall not be utilized unless required by local AHJ. ii. Exhaust of noxious gasses a. Where gases are stored or contained, and subject to causing an impediment to building rescue, as described in NEC 701, these systems utilized to exhaust these spaces shall be served by this branch. b. Such locations where noxious gasses may be present include: i. Pool and pool chemical handling/storage rooms ii. Science labs iii. Chemical Accumulation buildings iii. Sump Pumps a. Existing facilities/renovations: Only where individually located where a loss of power would prevent rescue operations. b. New construction: coordination between trades shall be initiated by the Design professional to prevent installation of any sump pump in a location that could be considered impactful to building rescue operations. c. Installation of new sump pumps deemed ‘Legally Required’ is not permitted without TCCD notifications and acceptance. 3. Optional Standby (Without UPS): i. General Power Receptacles a. All work and equipment spaces shall have at least 1 receptacle on standby power, per space. b. Larger IT spaces, >100SF, shall have 2 or more at the discretion of the design professional. c. General power receptacles shall be for convenience use only, and shall not be reserved for any specific system. Provide additional receptacles and do not share general receptacles with specific use receptacles d. Hydronic pumps as required for freeze protection e. Minimum Building Automation systems as required for freeze protection hydronic flow. f. All Food Service Chillers and refrigeration systems, such as walk- in coolers or walk-in freezers g. Central Plant and Facility Operations control rooms i. Shall include sufficient receptacles as to allow users to operate workstations for plant control. Exact number and quantity of connections shall be coordinated with TCCD and other disciplines to ensure sufficient connections (receptacle or otherwise) are present. h. Fuel Islands i. Provide electrical services capable of allowing refueling of vehicles while on generator power. ii. Includes all peripherals and or computers and network systems necessary to facilitate fueling operations. D. Risk 1. Emergency and Life Safety: i. Emergency Lighting a. As listed elsewhere in this guideline as applicable to the buildings and structures used to operate this specific group or department. 2. Optional Standby (With UPS): i. Campus Sirens a. Power supplies and infrastructures for all campus sirens b. E. Access 1. Emergency and Life Safety: i. Emergency Lighting a. As listed elsewhere in this guideline as applicable to the buildings and structures used to operate this specific group or department. 2. Optional Standby (Without UPS): i. Convenience receptacles shall be placed throughout in a manner in which critical operations workstations, spaces, meeting rooms, utility closets, and other spaces used for the purpose of managing access throughout the district have 25% of the receptacles in these spaces as operable during a normal power outage condition. Subject to color coding of the receptacle as listed in this guideline. ii. A receptacle with backup power available shall be located adjacent to all access control cabinets or interface points for use and/or troubleshooting during a normal power outage condition. 3. Optional Standby (With UPS): i. Campus Sirens a. Power supplies and infrastructures for all campus sirens F. PD/Command 1. Emergency and Life Safety: i. Emergency Lighting a. As listed elsewhere in this guideline as applicable to the buildings and structures used to operate this specific group or department. 2. Optional Standby (Without UPS): i. General receptacles: a. shall be placed throughout in a manner in which critical operations workstations, spaces, meeting rooms, utility closets, and other spaces used for the purpose of managing access throughout the district have 25% of the receptacles in these spaces as operable during a normal power outage condition. Subject to color coding of the receptacle as listed in this guideline. b. A receptacle shall be located at all workstations and computers necessary for the specific group to operate and manage emergencies, hazards, or any other response scenario required of the specific group or department. c. Individual and personnel workstations shall be furnished with point of use UPS devices (Furnished by owner) and be provided with receptacles served by backup power. ii. Backup HVAC for areas that remain occupied during an Event a. Where backup HVAC does not exist, notify the design team such that necessary updates or changes to the design may be accommodated as it is not practical, nor the intention of the design guide, to require a campus-wide or building-wide iii. Building Automation System (BAS) – only as required to run backup HVAC systems during an Event a. Personnel occupied facilities b. Network and communication spaces c. Dispatch spaces iv. Radio dispatch system 3. Optional Standby (With UPS): i. Security Camera systems ii. All servers and switches, and those network components necessary to maintain network communication to the incoming utility provider G. Academics 1. Emergency and Life Safety: i. Emergency Lighting a. Egress Lighting, interior and exterior, as required to evacuate all persons from any space to the ‘public way’, as defined by NFPA101. i. Emergency lighting for areas designated by the architect as “Areas of Refuge” ii. Exit signage iii. Exterior Egress lighting at all egress doors with illumination to the ‘public way’ as defined by NFPA101. iv. As listed elsewhere in this guideline as applicable to the buildings and structures used to operate this specific group or department. b. Fire Alarm c. Fire Pumps d. Fire Protection 2. Optional Standby (Without UPS): i. General receptacles: a. Convenience receptacles only in spaces that contain backup power distribution equipment ii. Special Utilization equipment a. Refrigerators/freezers for use: i. Temperate sensitive contents ii. Nuclear medicines iii. Scientific materials b. Specific Equipment/Loads by Department and Functional Areas: Department/Functional Area Applicable Campus Perceived Requirement (Back-up Power Load Served) Notes/Exceptions NE NW SE SO TR Health Services X X X X X Nurse's Station Refrigerators Back-up Power is not required for Nurse's Station Refrigerators. Sciences (Biology and Chemistry) X X X X X Refrigerators, freezers, incubators or other equipment supporting long duration student or faculty experiments Back-up Power is required for several pieces of equipment in Science Buildings districtwide. Design Consultants must Coordinate with district on case-by-case basis Horticulture X X Greenhouses Back-up Power is required for Greenhouse MEP Support Systems Culinary X Refrigerator and Freezer in Kitchens Back-up Power is required for Refrigerator and Freezers in Kitchens Health Sciences X TRHN-2111 Gamma Camera Back-up Power is required for Gamma Camera MEP Support Systems 6. Equipment Hierarchy A. Hierarchy depicted below represent the general organization of systems based on branch of backup power utilized. B. The Engineer of Record shall coordinate all and furnished electrical provisions to each of the specific components required within the organizational charts below. For Example, where Generator power to Emergency Assistance Phones (Code-Blue Phones) is required, this must include the Emergency Assistance Phones (Code-Blue Phones) and any supporting infrastructure required to have reliable connectivity to the district monitoring and reporting networks. PANIC ALARMS ACCESS CONTROL SWITCH RACKS UPS BAS STATUS MONITORING (NOT CONTROL) PANIC ALARM ACCESS CONTROL CARRIER RACK OPTIONAL STANDBY SERVER RACK GENERAL RECEPTACLES IDF FIRE ALARM RELAY RACK UPS MASS COMM SYSTEMS OPTIONAL STANDBY BACKUP HVAC GENERAL RECEPTACLES LIFE SAFETY EGRESS LIGHTING MDF BACKUP POWER SOURCE BAS STATUS MONITORS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PHONES FIRE SUPPRESSION/ PROTECTION FIRE ALARM EMERGENCY/ LIFE SAFETY EGRESS LIGHTING C. IT (MDF/IDF) D. Real-Estate & Facilities, Central Utility Plant (REF/CUP) EGRESS LIGHTING FIRE PROTECTION LIFE SAFETY FIRE PUMPS FIRE ALARM CHEM. ACCUM. BLDGS NOXIOUS GAS EXHAUST POOL & POOL CHEM STOR LEGALLY REQUIRED SUMP/EJECTORS PUMPS SCIENCE LABS BACKUP POWER SOURCE ELEVATOR (ONLY WHERE REQ BY AHJ) HYDRONIC PUMPS (FREEZE PROTECTION) HYDRONIC PUMP FREEZE PROTECTION BAS GENERAL RECEPTACLES OPTIONAL CENTRAL PLANT CONTROL ROOMS FACILITY OPS CONTROL ROOMS FUEL ISLANDS FOOD SERVICE COOLER FREEZER VARIOUS RECEPTACLES FOR CONVENIENCE ACCESS CONTROL UPS OPTIONAL BACKUP POWER SOURCE E. Risk BACKUP POWER SOURCE OPTIONAL UPS CAMPUS SIRENS F. Access ALL SERVERS & SWITCHES UPS SECURITY CAMERAS FIBER COMM. LINKS & ASSOC. COMPONENTS RADIO DISPATCH SYSTEM BAS VARIOUS RECEPTACLES FOR CONVENIENCE BACKUP HVAC OPTIONAL BACKUP POWER SOURCE DISTRIBUTED ANTENNA SYSTEMS FIRE ALARM LIFE SAFETY EGRESS LIGHTING G. PD/Command ELEVATOR OPTIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS (REFRIGERATORS, COOLERS, AND OTHER NECESSARY SUPPORT APPLIANCES AND DEVICES) BACKUP POWER SOURCE FIRE PROTECTION FIRE ALARM LIFE SAFETY EGRESS LIGHTING H. Academics